Parent Coaching

Getting through to your child seems impossible.

Talking to them doesn’t help.

Reasoning with them gets you nowhere.

Arguing with them is frustrating and doesn’t work.

Rather than calmly talking to them, you find yourself yelling.

Your child’s behavior seems over the top.

Over the past several months or years, their behavior has become more difficult to manage.

Listening to friends seems more important than listening to you, and others have more influence over them.

Rather than coming home at the designated time, they now stay out and don’t contact you. Your child may even be involved in criminal behaviors.

At this point, you don’t know how to help or reach out to them.

Discipline does not seem to work.

Neither reasoning with them, nor taking away things for bad behavior are effective.

Placing restrictions fails to make a difference.

At this point, you are out of strategies for changing your child’s behavior.

Nothing seems to work!

You can improve your relationship with your child.

Most of us have decided not to use physical discipline with our children, but no one told us what to do instead.

I am here to provide you with new ideas for what to do to improve your relationship.

We will explore new ways of relating to your child, and you will learn to stop struggling with your child and begin to enjoy them again.

You can reduce the conflict in your family.

Let’s work to change the parent and child dynamic.

Changing the dynamics of your relationship requires work on several levels.

Improved communication is necessary for a positive relationship between parent and child. Opening that avenue of communication requires listening to your child and being honest with the way you feel.

You will learn to improve your approach to problems and find ways to discipline effectively.

Letting you know that you are on your child’s side is important and creates a bond of trust.

Contact me at (360) 480-0027 today, so we can work together to renew your relationship with your child.